This has been an exciting season. =)
Somehow there were some problems with my attachment with a lab in NUS... and I ended up volunteering at Touch Youth once again. But i believe that God has a plan for me even as I choose to avail myself to volunteer. You know, initially when i started volunteering last year, it was just out of the capacity to serve, because I enjoy giving. But this time, as I volunteered, I really caught something very important - the HEART of a YOUTH WORKER!
I start to see myself wanting to build into the lives of the youth, to bring them from one level to the next, to encourage them and affirm them, to correct their wrong values and mindsets. You know, every single youth is a youth-at-risk... because it is so easy to be led astray at their impressionable age. And that is why it is so important to have people to guide them, to teach them at every opportunity, to lead them so that they will grow to be people of great destiny!
Each and every person is a person of great worth. The bible says in [Psalms139:14] that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made"! Isn't that beautiful? I thank God for giving me the heart for the youth. I pray that He will continue to use me to build and impart into the lives of the youth, and to love them, just like God loves them so abundantly. =)