I used to be someone who was very vulnerable emotionally... i can be happy at one moment and sad the next... keeping to myself away from the crowd...But as i grew deeper to allow The Lord to build and strengthen my emotions, i find myself growing to have a greater emotional resilience. I thank God for restoring joy in me... If you knew me in JC, you'll probably find that I wasn't all that joyful always as I am now. In Japanese tutorial today, the whole class said that I was the most lively person in the class! =) I believe that it's only by the transforming work of God that I am who I am today.
"For God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things - and the things that are not - to nullify the things that are, so that no one may bost before Him... Therefore, as it is written: "Let him who boasts boast in The Lord." [1Corinthians1:27-31]
Honestly, I am a very weak person... if you ever thought I was strong... well, you were wrong. haha. Ever single bit of strength that I have comes from The Lord, for He is my source of strength. =) Indeed that strength comes daily as I seek Him in stillness and from daily prayer. At times when I feel that I can't go on, God never fails to grant me strength.
So i wanna encourage you today, that if you feel that you're too lousy for any task or are just too tired to continue trying, don't give up! For The Lord will surely grant you the strength that you need. =) And don't forget to eat your 'daily bread'(the Word of God), cos it really gives you all the energy that you need for the day!! =) hee.