As we graduate from college and approach our twenties, many of us think that we're old enough to make our own decisions. What right do our parents have to control or dictate our lives any longer? We can do what we want. We're mature individuals approaching adulthood. We should know better. Our parents shouldn't be given the opportunity to mess up our lives. They're just so old-fashioned. We're in a NEW generation already.
Do any of those statements echo your thoughts? Well, that was how I felt... moments ago before God changed my heart and taught me to humble myself. Recently as my cell leader has been encouraging me to go deep in relationship with my family, I've been making it a point to spend time with them and to talk things over with them before I make a decision. So far, it has been exciting and I see how God bridges my relationship with my parents and I find it easier to share with them over the past weeks. But today is the one-in-a-millionth time since I graduated from college, where I decided to ask my daddy for permission to do something 'trivial'. I call it 'trivial' cos it will not affect my future in anyway whatsoever. Anyway, I decided to ask my dad whether I could go for night cycling.
Mustering up all the courage I had, I went to look for him and asked, "daddy, can I go for night cycling please?" And guess what? I received the answer that I dreaded the most - the answer that parents usually give us when we're kids - "NO." Haha. A surge of disappointment welled up within me. I wasn't sad because I couldn't go for night cycling. I mean, I have gone for many night cycling trips before. The truth is, I was sad that at my first attempt to start seeking my parent's counsel once again, I was given the same answer that I feared hearing most throughout all my years of growing up.
After sulking and crying out to God for a while, I finally quietened my spirit to listen to His voice. And The Holy Spirit revealed to me how I always expect things to go my way. But my way might not be God's divine way... for His thoughts are higher than my thoughts and His way higher than my ways [Isaiah 55:6-9]. And that is one of the reasons why He gave us parents. Cos they are instruments that God uses to teach us to be humble before Him.
"Children, obey your parents in The Lord, for this is right. 'Honour your father and mother' - which is the first commandment with a promise - 'that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on earth." [Ephesians 6:1-3]
Then I asked God whether there will ever be a day where we become 'old enough' and no longer need to seek counsel from our parents. And as I sat there talking to God, I realise that perhaps that day will never come. Just as we, children of the Most High God never stop seeking Him for wisdom, regardless of our age; we needa continually seek counsel from our parents! No matter what, being older and having been enriched with many experiences, they can share their wisdom with us!
And those who read [Ephesians 6:4], asking fathers not to exasperate their children... well, it is not up to us to judge our fathers... because God will hold them accountable for the decisions that they have made. All we need to do as children is to obey our parents. And as we do that, we honour God and He will surely bless us. His peace will dwell with us and we can share that peace of God that transcends all understanding with our loved ones. =)
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