It's been a long long time since i last blogged. =P whoops. haha... and since my exams, there has been so so many things and exciting activities that I have been participating in. Above you see a picture of the sun that I took on my kelong trip to Tanjung Pinang.
Let's list the amount of things I have done since my exams were over:
1. Kelong Trip to Tanjung Pinang
2. Helping auntie Lily do Admin and logistics in Touch Youth Office
3. CLASS workshop at TeLok Kurau Secondary
4. Service-Learning at Dunman High School
5. Inter-cluster Epic Race
6. QQS preparation and meetings
7. Attending my 'xiaodi's' wake
8. Global Day of Prayer
And can you imagine... I havn't even started my internship yet! haha. But i'm praying that I will get my internship... because somehow the professor hasn't responded.
But I have been very blessed by all the activites that I have gone for and I thank God loads for it... Let me share a picture I took at the kelong trip
This is a picture of me and one of the helpers at the kelong. I really thank God for using me as a blessing. Though we don't speak a common language, but somehow everytime she sees me she'll smile BIG BIG =D like that! haha. And as I reflect, perhaps it's the way i treated her that earned such a response... The other kelong workers are usually very serious and keep a distance from the whole group of us. And i'm excited! Because it's a form of God using me to bring joy to those who are poor in spirit. and i thank Him for that.
In this year of victory, we are called to approach this year with 3 attitudes:
Always thankful
Always victorious in Christ
Always a blessing to all
The million dollar question today is : have i been doing all those 3?
I believe that I have been going through the year with these 3 attitudes... somehow or other they have become apart of me. Of course I'm not 100% perfect, there are moments that I just feel like giving up. But it is God's grace that sustains me and gives me the strength to press on in the race i'm running. =)
"For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength... Let him who boasts boast in The Lord." [1 Corinthians 1:25,31]
You know the past week, The Lord has been bringing me to the point of brokeness to recognise that I am NOTHING without Him and whatever I can do is all by the grace of God. Truly, i am His creation and everything i have is from Him. Recently, one of my friends passed away. He was only a 15 year old boy!! When I heard the news, i was heartbroken. But i thank God that He received Christ before He died! =) cos that means His salvatian is assured in The Lord.
I prayed for the family fervently and asked God to use me to be a blessing to them as I go for his wake... because I really don't know what to do at wakes and i'm really blur one la. haha. So as I went for the wake after a long day of rushing to and fro from Bukit Merah to Marine Parade, I thank God for using me. I spoke to the sister and she appreciated our presence there. I prayed for the father (in CHINESE!) and told him if he needed help he can ask us. And amazingly, he asked for my telephone number. To me, the fact that he asked showed he appreciated the offer. I thank God for giving me a heart of compassion for the poor. You know, I found out that both my friend's parents weren't working... and as i recalled the state of his house, I just found myself giving over and above what I initially wanted to give in the funeral box. To me, $100 is a lot cos i'm not working, but I know that it will only help them a little bit in paying the expenses for the funeral and even for their daily family expenses.
I pray for the family's salvatian... that they might be able to encounter God in a tangible way over time. =)
Now i have a greater glimpse of how Jesus felt when he "landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd." [Mark 6:34]
The world is in need of prayer... Let us intercede on their behalf and go out to be a blessing to them all! =)